jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

Why technostress?

I chose technostress because its a problem that affects our society specially the young people, and I think that is very important that all of they are informed. I think too that is very important know how to use by a good way the new technologies because they are part of our life.


The word technostress comes from the words:

Techno: Technology.

Stress: Fatigue.

So the technostress can be defined as:

"The technostress is the inability to use the technologies by a healthy way."

The technostress have two principal types of manifestations: technophilia and technophobia.


Is the adiction to the internet and the new technologies.


-Decreased communication with family and friends.
-Problems in the work or school.
-Decrease time to sleep.


Is the rejection at the new technologies.

How to treat it:

-Show the subject that he can't harm the device.
-Make activities that incite the subject to know the devices.