jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

The telephone: a little object, a big invention.

The telephone was created in 1874 by Alexander Graham Bell, this telephone was constituted by a transmitter and a receiver.This telephone works but it have a very weak signal. The creation of the telephone involves other inventors like: Antonio Meucci, Philip Reis, and Elisha Gray.

Important dates in the telephone history:

1831.- Michael Faraday show that the vibrations on metal objects couldbe transformated to electrical signals.

1861.-Philip Reis was the first inventor who constructed a machine that could change sounds to electrical signals.

1874.-Alexander Graham Bell had the idea for a telephone while woking on telegraph machines.

1876.-Bell is granted a patent for his telephone.

1877.-The Bell telephone company was created and the first telephone exchange was developed in Connecticut.

1879.-The first telephone exchange was constructed in London, England.

1888.-William Gray create the first pay telephone.

My opinion:

I think that the telephone is the most important invent in the communications history, it's something that
we use today still. I think that his versatility has made it a revolutionary invent.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

Why technostress?

I chose technostress because its a problem that affects our society specially the young people, and I think that is very important that all of they are informed. I think too that is very important know how to use by a good way the new technologies because they are part of our life.


The word technostress comes from the words:

Techno: Technology.

Stress: Fatigue.

So the technostress can be defined as:

"The technostress is the inability to use the technologies by a healthy way."

The technostress have two principal types of manifestations: technophilia and technophobia.


Is the adiction to the internet and the new technologies.


-Decreased communication with family and friends.
-Problems in the work or school.
-Decrease time to sleep.


Is the rejection at the new technologies.

How to treat it:

-Show the subject that he can't harm the device.
-Make activities that incite the subject to know the devices.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

Words spoken when Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize

I can't found the video but here are the words:

The Nobel Peace Prize 1990 was awarded to Mikhail Gorbachev "for his leading role in the peace process which today characterizes important parts of the international community".

Why I think that Gorbachev wons a nobel pace prize

Mikhail Gorbachev, a very inteligent person, who despite his roots has gone so far, a person that see for all and not just for he, I think that one of the most important acts of peace that he has made is the sign of the disarmament treaty, cause here we can see the treat of peace of two world powers for the peace of all.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

Mikhail Gorbachev's biography

 His complete name is Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, he was the last leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

He born in Stavropol (in the south of Rusia) in 1931. He grew up in a peasant family, and since he was just a little boy he has highligthed for his intelligence.

He didn't live precisely in an environment of peace, whe he was only 10 years old he was witness of the patriotic war, in this war he lost six family members.

In 1950 he studied law in the Moscow's University, there he married with Raisha Maximovna Titorenco and joined to the communist party.

In the sixties he completed his career in agronomy, thanks to this he attained his first political success when he faced the terrible drought in 1968. Was then when he jumped to the national policy.

In 1970 he was elected member of the Supreme Soviet.

In 1978 he was elected agriculture secretary.

In 1985 he replaced to Chernenko and implemented the glasnost and perestroika.

The arrival of Gorbachev to the power supposed not only a generational renovation, supposed too a political renovation.

In 1987 Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan (United States president) signed the disarmament treaty, Gorbachev ordered the removal of the soviet troops in Afghanistan.

An imporant point in the life of Gorbachev is he nobel peace prize that he won on 15th October of 1990.

On March 2009 Gorbachev met with Barack Obama (United Stetes president) and Joe Biden for try to "reset" the tense relations between Russia and the United States.